Therapy | Hallucinations

Therapy The therapy of hallucinations must be based on the individual causes. If alcohol plays a role in the medical history of the patient with hallucinations, controlled withdrawal and addiction therapy must be aimed at, and in the case of fever-induced hallucinations the temperature must be lowered rapidly. Other causes of hallucinations, such as sleep … Therapy | Hallucinations

What could be signs of impending schizophrenia?

Introduction The signs of schizophrenia are manifold and unfortunately not always clear. These are the symptoms or abnormalities that a person shows shortly before a schizophrenic episode. Usually such a relapse is announced before the actual symptoms of schizophrenia begin. Unfortunately, these precursors are not specific and individually different, so there are no general warning … What could be signs of impending schizophrenia?

What do I do as an affected person when I am facing a schizophrenic phase? | What could be signs of impending schizophrenia?

What do I do as an affected person when I am facing a schizophrenic phase? As already discussed, very few people consciously perceive their schizophrenia as a disease and cannot interpret the first signs of a relapse as such. If a person has been suffering from schizophrenia for a longer period of time and has … What do I do as an affected person when I am facing a schizophrenic phase? | What could be signs of impending schizophrenia?


Introduction Ecstasy is one of the most famous party drugs in the world. Ecstasy is often used as a synonym for MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine), which is the actual name of the active substance. It belongs to the group of amphetamines, so it has an activating effect and is mainly consumed by young people while partying and … Ecstasy

Side effects of Ecstasy | Ecstasy

Side effects of Ecstasy Various side effects can occur when using ecstasy. Probably the most dangerous unwanted effect is the increased body temperature (hyperthermia). Ecstasy activates the body and motivates the user to take more exercise. The rising temperature causes dehydration (dehydration). These circumstances can lead to circulatory collapse, organ damage, coma and in severe … Side effects of Ecstasy | Ecstasy

What are the long-term consequences of Ecstasy? | Ecstasy

What are the long-term consequences of Ecstasy? The long-term effects of ecstasy are part of ongoing scientific research. Especially excessive use (regular and high doses) leads to psychological symptoms (e.g. anxiety, sleep problems, restlessness), which are due to changes in the brain. Long-term consumption is associated with the risk of developing dependency, which leads to … What are the long-term consequences of Ecstasy? | Ecstasy

What is the effect with alcohol? | Ecstasy

What is the effect with alcohol? The so-called mixed consumption of alcohol and ecstasy is very common, but represents an additional health risk. Individually, both substances are already strenuous enough for the body. Both alcohol and ecstasy consumption causes the liver and kidneys to work at full capacity. They break down the substances in the … What is the effect with alcohol? | Ecstasy

Symptoms of schizophrenia

Synonyms schizophrenia, schizophrenic psychosis, endogenous psychosis, schizophrenic psychosis Definition To understand the term schizophrenia, one must first clarify the term “psychosis“. A psychosis is a condition in which the patient loses touch with reality (real life). Normally we humans perceive our reality with the help of our senses and then process it in our thinking. … Symptoms of schizophrenia

Causes of schizophrenia | Symptoms of schizophrenia

Causes of schizophrenia For many years one hypothesis was sought that could explain the cause of schizophrenia. Today, science is certain that there is no single cause for the disease. Rather, it is now believed that there are a number of causative factors that contribute to triggering schizophrenia. This theory considers the patient to be … Causes of schizophrenia | Symptoms of schizophrenia