Testicular prosthesis

A testicular prosthesis is an implant of the testicle, which can be inserted into the scrotum if the body’s own testicle is no longer present or never was. Since the testicular implant cannot take over any bodily function, the procedure is classified as cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, depending on the indication. The modern implants are … Testicular prosthesis

Undescended testicle

Introduction An undescended testicle (also called maldescensus testis, testicular dystopia), describes a testicle not located in the scrotum. This maldevelopment is usually caused by hormonal abnormalities during the embryonic phase. Such an undescended testicle can result in an increased risk of testicular tumors and infertility. Directly after birth, approx. 3-6% of newborn boys are affected … Undescended testicle

Symptoms | Undescended testicle

Symptoms The children have no symptoms of undescended testicles as long as the long-term effects have not yet occurred. The only symptom is the non-palpable or invisible testicle, which is often noticed by the mother while changing diapers and leads to the doctor. Also the long-term consequences of undescended testicles are not directly noticeable. Infertility … Symptoms | Undescended testicle

Testicular cancer

Synonyms Medical: testicular carcinoma Definition Testicular cancer is the most common malignant tumor disease in young men between 20 and 40 years of age. Compared to other cancers, however, it is rather rare with a share of 2%. In 95% of cases testicular cancer develops in only one of the two testicles and can later … Testicular cancer

Epidemiology | Testicular cancer

Epidemiology Furthermore, undescended testicles, which often occur during childhood, play the second largest role in the development of testicular cancer. It increases the risk of getting a malignant tumor on the same side by a factor of 4 to 8, whereas in 5-10% of men with undescended testicles or an inguinal testis also on the … Epidemiology | Testicular cancer

The redness | The symptoms of testicular inflammation

The redness The redness is also a classic sign of inflammation. The tissue reacts to the pathogens by releasing inflammation mediators. These are messenger substances that lead to the dilation of vessels. The best known messenger for this is histamine. Due to this mechanism, the vessels under the skin now appear more prominent and lead … The redness | The symptoms of testicular inflammation

Testicular torsion

Introduction Testicular torsion is one of the most frequent and important urological emergencies. Torsion, according to the Latin torquere (to turn), refers to a rotation or twisting around its own axis. This is also the case with testicular torsion, which usually leads immediately to an undersupply of the tissue. Torsion of the testis is therefore … Testicular torsion