Heat Stroke and Sunstroke: Drug Therapy

Therapy target

  • Reduction of body temperature in heat exhaustion or heat stroke: treatment goal is to reduce core body temperature to values < 40 °C within 30 minutes (“golden half hour”).

Therapy recommendations

  • For sunstroke: staying in a cool place and cooling with cool packs, etc. is usually sufficient.
  • Application of cool infusions
    • In heat exhaustion or heat collapse – physiological saline solution; shock position (patient lies flat on his back while his legs are raised or positioned above the level of his head) and plenty of drinking.
  • Accompanying symptoms as a result of the heat:
    • Heat rash (Miliara): zinc shake mixture, possibly antiseptic (agents that destroy pathogens of infectious diseases), local; cortisone ointment and ibuprofen; cool compresses.
    • Heat edema of the legs (swelling of the legs due to heat): elevation of the legs and compression stockings.
    • Heat syncope (short-lasting unconsciousness due to heat): treatment analogous to other vasovagal syncope: shock position; if necessary, administration of atropine or was suppression (rarely required).
  • In heat stroke (absolute emergency):
    • Ensuring vital functions: intubation and ventilation if necessary.
    • Oxygen administration
    • Effective cooling measures required: ice water enemas if necessary.
    • Lactate-free full electrolyte solution (1,000 ml, i.v.).
    • Anticonvulsants (anticonvulsants), if necessary.
    • If evidence of multiple organ failure: see treatment of sepsis.