How can I prevent coccyx pain when sitting? | Coccyx pain when sitting

How can I prevent coccyx pain when sitting?

In most cases, coccyx pain that occurs in a sitting position is not a disease that can be treated specifically. What can be done is usually only a symptom-oriented therapy to alleviate the symptoms and to avoid circumstances that trigger the symptoms. Since frequent and prolonged sitting itself is usually the cause of the complaints, an attempt should be made to reduce the time spent sitting in everyday life if possible.

Anyone who has to sit a lot at work should get up more often if possible. Ideally, some of the work can be done while standing. At best, the seating should be flexible and not too hard. Leisure time is best not spent additionally in a sitting position, but at best in motion.

Prognosis of coccyx pain when sitting

The prognosis of coccyx pain when sitting depends on the underlying cause and treatment options. If the cause is acute and easily treatable, the prognosis is usually relatively good. However, in many cases it is complicated because the pain is often chronic, i.e. it has already existed for a long time. For this reason, the various treatment options should be used to the full to improve the prognosis.