Magnesium during Pregnancy: When it Makes Sense

Why do we need magnesium?

Magnesium is a vital mineral that we need to take in regularly through our food. It performs numerous tasks in the human body. For example, magnesium influences a large number of metabolically active enzymes and is involved in the transmission of stimuli from nerve cells to muscle cells. Furthermore, magnesium stabilizes bones and contributes to the function of heart and vascular muscle cells.

A deficiency of magnesium therefore leads, for example, to muscle cramps (such as nocturnal calf cramps) and seizures caused by nervous disorders. Listlessness, dizziness as well as constipation and diarrhea in alternation can be further signs of a too low magnesium concentration in the body. Heart palpitations or cardiac arrhythmias are sometimes also due to a magnesium deficiency.

Pregnancy: magnesium requirements

Pregnancy slightly increases the need for magnesium. Thus, pregnant women should consume about 310 milligrams of magnesium per day. For non-pregnant women between the ages of 25 and 51, the recommended daily amount is 300 milligrams.

This ten milligram difference is easily covered by the diet. As a rule, magnesium supplements can therefore be dispensed with.

Which foods contain magnesium?

  • Fruits (like bananas, raspberries)
  • Vegetables (all green vegetables as well as carrots, potato)
  • Whole grain products (like bread, oatmeal, cereal)
  • Milk and dairy products like cheese and yogurt
  • Legumes (such as beans, peas, lentils)
  • Nuts and sunflower seeds
  • Soy products
  • Meat

In summer, the body loses important minerals such as magnesium and calcium through sweat. Drinks can then not only replenish the necessary water reserves, but also replace the lost minerals. Tap water and mineral water do a good job here. The labels on mineral water bottles indicate the amount of magnesium they contain.

Pregnancy with complications

Sometimes the additional intake of magnesium during pregnancy is advisable for medical reasons. Thus, the attending physician will prescribe magnesium supplements in case of certain complications or proven deficiency of the pregnant woman. Such complications may include:

  • calf cramps
  • premature labor
  • Preeclampsia

Calf cramps: If pregnant women frequently suffer from (nighttime) calf cramps, they may have a magnesium deficiency. Dietary supplements or prescription medications containing magnesium alleviate the symptoms.

Preeclampsia (“pregnancy poisoning”) is characterized, among other things, by high blood pressure, water retention in the tissues (edema) and proteinuria (increased excretion of proteins in the urine). In severe preeclampsia, there is a risk of premature birth, development of deficiencies or death of the unborn child. The pregnant woman herself may experience neurological disorders and bouts. This life-threatening complication of preeclampsia is called eclampsia. To prevent the seizures, affected women receive infusions of magnesium.

Pregnancy: Magnesium as a preventive measure?

Some experts recommend that every woman take magnesium during pregnancy. This is said to prevent fetal growth disorders or preeclampsia, for example, and to increase birth weight. However, scientific studies deny magnesium this good effect.


A healthy and varied diet covers the daily requirement for magnesium. Pregnancy also does not usually require additional magnesium supplements. If you still want to take magnesium during pregnancy, you should first discuss this with your doctor.