Medicinal plants for brain & nerves

Prevent and alleviate

How well concentration and memory function depends on various factors: Oxygen and nutrient supply, sleep quality and quantity are some of them. Age and stress also have an influence on the ability to concentrate and remember.

To a certain extent, this can be improved by medicinal plants – namely ginkgo and ginseng. Phytomedicine can also provide valuable help for other problems in the area of nerves and brain: For example, nerve pain and headaches can be relieved with various medicinal plants. In the case of migraine, herbal remedies can also have a preventive effect.

The best-known medicinal plants for brain and nerves

Read here which medicinal plants have an effect on the thinking apparatus:

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is an ancient medicinal plant used to improve circulation, for example, in dementia. Read about it in the article Ginkgo!

Ginseng root is used for weakness, fatigue and declining concentration. Read more about ginseng!

Spruce essential oil is used for colds, rheumatic complaints and nerve pain. Read more about spruce!

Cayenne pepper is used to treat muscle, joint and nerve pain and itching. Read more about the cayenne pepper!

Motherwort has long been used to prevent migraines. In addition, it is also said to help with fever and rheumatism. Read more about motherwort!

The essential oil of pine is used against inflamed respiratory tract, muscle and nerve pain. Read more about the healing power and application of pine!

The Japanese mint provides the mint oil, which helps for example with flatulence, inflammation of the respiratory tract, muscle and nerve pain. Read more about mint oil!

Peppermint helps for example against gastrointestinal cramps, headache, nerve and muscle pain. Read more about peppermint and peppermint oil!

Mate tea has a stimulating and diuretic effect. It is therefore used against fatigue and mild urinary tract problems. Read more about mate!

Willow bark is used for febrile diseases, rheumatism, arthritis and headaches. Read more about willow bark!

The effect of medicinal plants has its limits. If your complaints persist for a long period of time, do not get better or even get worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.

Common problems with brain, memory and nervous system