Home Remedies for Earache

Simple home remedies can have an excellent effect on earaches, if serious diseases can be ruled out. Suddenly occurring earache usually indicates a middle ear infection (otitis). This is accompanied by fever as well as severe pain and should definitely be examined by a specialist. In uncomplicated ear infections or as an accompaniment to therapy, home remedies can be used optimally for ear pain.

What home remedies help against earache?

Earaches and ear infections should be examined and treated by an ENT doctor. Most often, acute earaches are accompanied by fatigue, fever, as well as other cold symptoms. Within naturopathy, measures are available which support the self-healing powers as well as relieve the organism. These include, for example, fasting days during the first days of illness, on which only diluted juices are allowed, and strict bed rest. Mildly stimulating teas such as senna leaves should be used regularly to rid the body of toxins. While fever is desirable as a defensive measure by the body, nightly calf wraps are recommended in very high temperatures to reduce fever. Wraps/wraps with onions are probably the best known home remedy. Onions have strong essential oils, which also cause eye watering when cutting onions. In particular, the intensely disinfecting mustard oils are effective against ear infections. For a simple onion poultice, chop an onion, spread it on cloth (bandage) and place it directly behind the aching ear. With the help of a cap/headscarf, the onion poultice can be fastened and should be left on for about 30 minutes. Alternatively, the onion pieces can be stuffed into a discarded stocking or a thick slice of onion can be placed raw behind the auricle. Onions can also be made into the shape of ear drops. Squeeze raw onion pieces with the help of a garlic press and fill the juice into pipette vials, for example. A teaspoon of the onion juice is dripped into the affected ear. A cotton pad is now used to seal the ear so that it is protected from drafts and the onion juice remains in the ear. With the same amount of garlic juice, an equally good result is achieved.

Quick help

Especially for mild earaches, the desire for warmth is great. For this purpose, the heat therapy of naturopathy is suitable. Ear steam is recommended for chronic earaches. For this, a kettle is needed, over the spout of which a rubber hose is placed. The water in the kettle heats up and the rubber hose is held at a safe distance from the affected ear for steaming. A warming poultice can be made, for example, from ground mustard flour. It is turned into a paste with the help of warm water and applied to bandages/cloth. Onions in a poultice placed on the aching ear and the discomfort will be less. The mustard flour poultice should be applied only once a day for a maximum of 15 minutes, otherwise the essential oils may cause skin irritation. If severe burning occurs, it should be removed earlier. Other warm or hot applications, which are suitable as a home remedy for earaches, are for example chamomile or linseed compresses as well as compresses of warmed fenugreek or oil. Likewise, a cold compress with healing clay can help at the beginning of the ear infection. Cold water is mixed with healing clay for this purpose and positioned behind the ear in question with the help of a linen or cotton cloth until it dries.

Alternative remedies

To prevent earache should always avoid drafts as well as cold wind on the head. After swimming or washing hair, always dry the ear entrances carefully. If you have a cold, the nasal secretions must be allowed to drain completely to prevent germs from colonizing the ear canals. Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) is recommended as a prophylaxis against earache. Drizzling a drop of almond or sesame oil into each ear every day is said to bring recovery. To counter earache with herbal tea, for example, a mixture of angelica root, elder and lime blossoms and attich root is suitable. The diaphoretic tea is especially suitable for earaches and colds with fever.Peppermint and mullein, on the other hand, have been proven to bring relief from earaches. Another proven home remedy for earache is freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice. It can be mixed with dextrose or honey water, and in addition to the medicinal ingredients, it also brings the much-needed amount of fluid into the body.