Menopause: Symptoms

Menopause: These symptoms are typical

Cycle disorders

Impairments of the menstrual cycle due to hormonal changes often become apparent long before the last menstrual period (menopause). Symptoms are irregular, conspicuously heavy or prolonged bleeding as well as bleeding between periods.

Headaches & Co.

Hot flashes and sweating

In up to two-thirds of all women, hot flashes are an unpleasant symptom of menopause. Sweating – more than normal and often at night – is equally common.

Hot flashes attack menopausal women three to 20 times a day and last a few minutes, sometimes longer. They announce them by a feeling of pressure in the head or a diffuse discomfort.

Hot flashes and sweating

In up to two-thirds of all women, hot flashes are an unpleasant symptom of menopause. Sweating – more than normal and often at night – is equally common.

Hot flashes attack menopausal women three to 20 times a day and last a few minutes, sometimes longer. They announce them by a feeling of pressure in the head or a diffuse discomfort.

Hair loss & “lady’s beard

The changes in hormone balance during menopause can lead to hair loss. In addition, some women complain of hair growth on the face (“lady’s beard”) during the period after menopause (postmenopause). The reason is that as estrogens decrease, the amount of male sex hormone (testosterone) increases, relatively speaking.

Thinner, wrinkled skin

Vaginal dryness

Incidentally, other mucous membranes in the body also become less supplied with blood and drier due to the hormonal changes of menopause. Symptoms of this can be seen in the area of the eyes: the reduced production of tear fluid can cause the eyes to redden and conjunctivitis to develop more quickly. In the area of the urinary tract, mucous membranes with a reduced blood supply favor urinary tract infections.

Weight gain

You can read more about this and what can be done against weight gain in the article Menopause: Weight gain.

Flatulence, constipation & Co.

The fact that symptoms such as flatulence, constipation and weak digestion can occur during menopause is no coincidence: the hormonal changes also affect the digestive system, and the metabolism can become sluggish.

Back pain & Co.

Mood swings, depression & Co.

For many women, menopause causes symptoms in the emotional sphere. This is because estrogen has a mood-lifting effect that is lost as hormone levels fall. In some women, this manifests itself in mood swings, restlessness, nervousness and irritability. Listlessness is also a possible sign of menopause. Depression can be added in severe cases.

Memory problems

Menopause: Not just complaints

Mood swings, hot flashes, sweating – for many women, the menopause is undeniably accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. However, “symptoms” of the hormonal change can also be of a positive nature: contraception for sexual intercourse is no longer necessary after menopause and the previously often painful menstrual periods are a thing of the past. Even a long-standing migraine can sometimes disappear.