Herpes on the nose during pregnancy | Herpes nose

Herpes on the nose during pregnancy

Pregnancy can also lead to reactivation of the herpes virus and in the course of this to symptomatic nasal herpes. Due to the changing hormone levels, the immune system of pregnant women can briefly “get mixed up”. Herpes viruses take advantage of this temporary weakness of the immune system and trigger the disease. A local nasal herpes usually does not pose an increased risk to the unborn child. Pregnant women should always consult their doctor before using ointments or creams.

Herpes on the baby’s nose

During birth, babies may become infected with herpes simplex virus-2.It is not unusual for affected mothers to be unnoticed carriers of the virus and transmit the pathogen to their child in the birth canal. Symptoms may already be present at birth, but also not until 4-6 weeks after birth. Normally, the virus causes genital herpes, but it can also cause infections of the face, such as the nose.

As the immune defence is not yet fully developed, especially in babies, possible complications are dangerous. Your treating pediatrician will be able to discuss possible treatment options with you. However, timely intervention is essential!

How contagious is nasal herpes?

Nasal herpes can lead to infection through contact with the infectious contents of the herpes blisters. Therefore, affected persons should refrain from touching the herpes blisters. This causes viruses to be carried on the hands and passed on when other people touch them.

A distribution in the face is also possible. Sneezing heavily can also cause the viruses to spread and infect other people. It is therefore advisable to sneeze into handkerchiefs whenever possible and to dispose of them afterwards. Frequent hand washing also prevents transmission. Furthermore, the herpes blisters should not be touched, even if they sometimes hurt and itch.


Basically, the infection of our body with the herpes viruses cannot be avoided. However, a healthy and strong immune system, conscientious hygiene measures and the avoidance of potential trigger factors (e.g. stress, UV light) can prevent an infection. If you suffer particularly frequently from nasal herpes, more targeted measures to strengthen your natural defenses may be indicated. Those affected can discover numerous possibilities, especially in alternative medicine.