Odermennig for inflammations

How is agrimony used?

The agrimony herb is used for the preparation of tea infusions or for the preparation of finished medicines (tinctures, drops).

In the treatment of diarrhea, agrimony is recommended as a tea: Pour about 150 milliliters of boiling water over 1.5 to 4 grams of finely chopped herb and strain after ten minutes. You can drink a cup of agrimony tea two to four times a day. The daily dose is three to six grams of the medicinal drug.

For external treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, as well as skin inflammation, it is best to use a watery decoction. For example, several times a day you can put two to three tablespoons of agrimony herb with cold water, then heat it and simmer for a few minutes, then strain, cool a little and prepare a poultice for the diseased areas of the skin.

Ready-made preparations based on agrimony are used according to the instructions in the package leaflet or as recommended by your doctor or pharmacist.

What is the effect of agrimony?

The herb of agrimony (stems, leaves, flowers, fruits; Agrimoniae herba) contains, among other things, tannins, bitter substances and some essential oil. Together, the ingredients exert mucosal, wound-healing, and pain-relieving effects. Agrimony is classified as a traditional herbal medicine. Scientifically recognized is this effectiveness of agrimony in the treatment of:

  • mild non-specific diarrhea (internal use)
  • @ inflammations of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa (external use)
  • @ mild superficial inflammations of the skin (external use)

In empirical medicine, agrimony is also recommended for other ailments, such as biliousness.

So far, no side effects are known for the use of agrimony.

What you should be aware of when using agrimony

If diarrhea persists for more than three days or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, or blood in the stool, be sure to consult a doctor.

It is possible that taking agrimony may interfere with the effects of other medications. Therefore, you should consult with your doctor before using the medicinal plant.

There are no data on the use of Agrimonia Eupatoria in pregnant women, nursing mothers or children under twelve years of age. Therefore, in these cases, you should not use the medicinal plant or, at most, use it on the instructions of a doctor.

Home remedies based on medicinal plants have their limits. If your symptoms persist for a long period of time, do not get better or even get worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.

How to get agrimony and its products

Interesting facts about agrimony

The agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) is a member of the rose family (Rosaceae). The perennial plant is widespread in almost all of Europe as far as western Asia and likes to colonize sunny, dry locations, such as along roadsides and shrubbery.

The agrimony grows up to one meter high and has a sparsely branched, hairy stem. On these are found imparipinnate and also hairy leaves. The plant bears many small, yellow flowers in spike-like inflorescences at the end of the stems during the flowering season. The flowers bloom from the bottom up along the spike. After pollination, fruits studded with many small hooks develop from the flowers. They easily stick to the fur of passing animals or to people’s clothing. In this way, the agrimony can spread.