Ovulation test: Application and significance

What is an ovulation test?

An ovulation test (LH test, ovulation test) is an over-the-counter test system that is intended to help women determine their ovulation as simply and reliably as possible and thus identify their fertile days. The various providers promise that it is easy to get pregnant quickly. In fact, studies have shown that higher pregnancy rates can be achieved with ovulation tests.

How does an ovulation test work?

In principle, an ovulation test works similarly to a pregnancy test – a little urine on the test strip and shortly afterwards the result can be seen from the discoloration. With the ovulation test, this consists of whether you are close to your fertile days (periovulatory phase).

Ovulation test: Application

If you have just stopped taking the pill or another hormonal contraceptive, your cycle may still be irregular. This can make it difficult to determine the length of your cycle and thus the appropriate time to start testing. In this case, use the shortest cycle as a guide. This way you should not miss the fertile days.

Here are some more tips for a correct test result:

  • Before the ovulation test, do not urinate for a few hours and do not drink excessively to avoid diluting the LH content in the urine.
  • If possible, always perform the measurement at the same time of day.
  • Sometimes morning urine is recommended for the ovulation test. However, before using it, carefully read the package insert of the test system you are using.

Ovulation test in cycle

If the test is working, it will show the following results depending on the cycle phase and LH level (indicating LH concentration in units per liter):


LH level

Ovulation / test result

Ovulation test after menstruation (follicular phase)

2-6 U/l


Ovulation test around ovulation (ovulation phase)

6-20 U/l


Ovulation test after ovulation (luteal phase)

3-8 U/l


Ovulation test negative

If you observe this over several cycles, you should consult your gynecologist. He or she can determine your LH level in a laboratory analysis. Either the test used for your LH level is actually not sensitive enough or an underfunction of the ovaries (ovarian insufficiency) always causes the ovulation test to be negative (e.g. in the case of Kallmann syndrome, anorexia, use of the pill).

Ovulation test positive

After ovulation, the LH content in the urine should decrease again and the ovulation test should become negative. Sometimes, however, the ovulation test always remains positive. This may be due to ovarian hypofunction (primary ovarian failure), polycystic ovaries or the onset of menopause. Menopausal women have LH levels above 30 U/l.

Ovulation test positive: How long fertile?

Other natural methods of family planning (such as temperature method, Billings method) can increase the relatively narrow window of time, as they indicate ovulation a little earlier, and sperm can survive in the woman’s body for up to five days.

How safe is an ovulation test?

On the other hand, medications (antibiotics, psychotropic drugs, hormone preparations) as well as liver, kidney or ovarian diseases can also affect the safety of the ovulation test.

Ovulation test for contraception?

If the ovulation test indicates the fertile days, it should also be possible to identify the infertile days. So can an ovulation test be used for contraception?

In good time before the fertile days, you must therefore choose another form of contraception or practice abstinence. Of course, the ovulation test does not offer protection against STDs either.

Ovulation test as a pregnancy test?