Pasta Cerata Schleich


Pasta cerata Schleich is usually produced in pharmacies. Retailers can also order the paste from specialized service providers (e.g. Hänseler).


The wax paste goes back to the surgeon Carl Ludwig Schleich (1859-1922). Various manufacturing instructions exist. The traditional one, shown below, is from the Formularium Helveticum (FH). Modified prescriptions with an antioxidant and preservative can be found in the DMS.

Cera flava Yellow beeswax 10.0
Olivae oleum Olive oil 21.0
Adeps lanae Lanolin 15.0
Unguentum cetylicum Cetylsalbe 15.0
Zinci pasta 25 % Zinc paste 25 % 10.0
Potash hydroxide Potassium hydroxide 0.12
Aqua purificata Purified water 28.88

The beeswax is saponified with the caustic potash solution on the water bath, then the water and the other components are emulsified into the fat phase. The shelf life is 2 years in tubes.


The grease paste has skin nourishing, covering and emollient properties.

Fields of application

For the care of dry, rough and cracked skin, as a skin protection ointment and for lip care.


Apply to skin as needed and massage in gently.


Pasta cerata Schleich should not be applied in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components. Do not ingest.

Adverse effects

Possible adverse effects include allergic reactions.