Putting Baby and Toddler to Sleep: Sleep Training

In addition, there are a number of methods (for example, the Tweedle method) that train the child to fall asleep independently. They are all based on a similar principle. Namely, to put the child to bed alone and awake, and after the soothing ritual of falling asleep, to leave the room. Now, when the baby cries, the mother goes into the room after certain intervals, which are gradually lengthened (from 2 minutes to 15 minutes), to comfort the child (no longer than 2 minutes).

During this time, no light is turned on and the child is not taken out of bed or distracted from sleeping by any other action (drinking, eating, or the like). These methods can be very stressful for parents because they must be done consistently over several days before the desired result is achieved.

Are children sleeping worse today than in the past?

There is currently no evidence to support this thesis. Nevertheless, there is some evidence that children today fall asleep more poorly because they are exposed to more stimuli from birth and have to process them during sleep. However, this also means that there should be as much quiet as possible before the child goes to bed. In other words, that it is shielded from light, noise and smell stimuli.

As today’s parents use gentler parenting methods, it is probably more common for them to treat children like little adults and not understand that they cannot set their own boundaries. In terms of sleep, this means that children often don’t even know or notice that they are tired. If only because of the fear of missing out on something, hardly any child would go to bed voluntarily.

In order to find a daily rhythm, children are therefore dependent on the help of their parents. Parents should not be afraid of being inflexible or even unnecessarily authoritarian with a clear and consistent daily routine. After all, constancy and regularity are particularly important for the human organism and also for the psyche, and they give children a sense of security and safety.