Sandbox Dermatitis


Sandpit dermatitis manifests as numerous millimeter-sized, flat, roundish, lichenoid, skin-colored, brown to hypopigmented papules that appear mainly on the elbows, knees, and back of the hands. Other areas of the body such as the face, buttocks, and arms may also be affected. An accompanying mild itching sometimes occurs. The rash is most common in spring and summer in children 2 to 12 years of age and more common in boys. Sandbox dermatitis may persist for a long time and recur annually.


The cause is not fully understood. Friction and irritation on rough surfaces is thought to play a role, such as sand on the beach, in the sandbox, on wool and carpets. The influence of a genetic predisposition to atopy, atopic dermatitis and allergies is discussed. The rash is not observed in every child and a predisposition must be present.


Diagnosis is made in dermatologic or pediatric care based on the clinical picture.


Triggering friction should be avoided if possible. Rehydrating and urea-containing ointments and baths are used for treatment. If inflammation is present, topical glucocorticoids and ichthyol (tar) are also used in the short term.