Sex and alcohol

Small amounts of alcohol have a stimulating, relaxing effect on the psyche. However, this effect is short-lived. Increased consumption also damages the liver, brain and cardiovascular system and can also be stressful for the psyche. Impaired perception and coordination and slower reactions are direct consequences. This also has an effect on sexuality.

The decisive factor for the effect is the amount of alcohol consumed, which has a direct influence on the blood alcohol level. Excessive amounts can sometimes lead to alcohol poisoning, which can even be life-threatening.

The blood alcohol level (measured in per mille) depends on

  • the amount of alcohol
  • the type of alcohol (e.g. schnapps or wine)
  • the period of time during which the drink was consumed
  • whether you have also eaten
  • age
  • gender
  • Weight

How does alcohol affect sexuality?

Small amounts of alcohol (a glass of wine/beer is a good guideline) have a stimulating and disinhibiting effect – also sexually. There is often a euphoric effect, which also increases desire (libido). Sexual arousal drops sharply with heavy alcoholization.

Psychological effects

In this context, Prof. Dr. Michael Musalek, head of the Anton Proksch Institute for Addiction Diseases in Vienna (Europe’s largest addiction clinic), speaks of a vicious spiral: people who are struggling with sexual fears of failure or inhibitions try to alleviate them with alcohol. However, if they drink too much, their fears are realized: they are no longer physically able to experience fulfilled sexuality.

Alcohol also often plays a role for young people who are just getting to know their sexuality. You can read more about alcohol in adolescence here:

Physical effects

The more alcohol is drunk, the higher the blood alcohol level rises and the stronger the effects on the body. After the initial phase of intoxication, the effects change dramatically. Body and mind become more sluggish, coordination and reactions slow down and vision deteriorates (at o.5 per mille, vision deteriorates by around 15 percent). At 0.8 per mille, the reaction time is already delayed by 30 to 50 percent. The ability to move and pronounce is restricted, the blood vessels dilate, which is why men find it more difficult to maintain an erection and generally orgasm is achieved less frequently in this condition.

Liver damage (cirrhosis), which is often the result of heavy alcohol consumption, also leads to an altered metabolism and reduced (sex) hormone production, which has an influence on sexual behavior.

Read more about the effects of alcohol here

How can sexuality return to normal?

In the case of alcohol addiction, impaired sexuality is only a symptom. The cause, i.e. the addiction, must therefore be treated. The first step is for the person affected to realize that they are an alcoholic. The first point of contact for getting help and creating a suitable treatment plan can be the family doctor, addiction counseling centers such as Alcoholics Anonymous, or counseling hotlines and online services. Sexual problems are often resolved once the addiction has been successfully treated.