Sore throat: Frequently asked questions

Drink warm liquids such as tea or soup, suck throat lozenges, and inhale warm steam to relieve a sore throat. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen may also help. It’s important to drink plenty of fluids, take it easy, and don’t talk or sing too much or loudly. If the pain is very severe or persistent, please seek medical attention, as medication may be necessary.

Chamomile tea and sage tea can help with sore throat. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, sage has an antibacterial effect and soothes the mucous membranes. To avoid further irritation of the throat, tea should always be drunk warm, but not hot.

What home remedies help against sore throat?

What should you eat when you have a sore throat?

Soft and mild foods such as soup, pudding, cooked vegetables, bananas, yogurt or puree are particularly suitable for sore throats. Cooling foods such as ice cream or smoothies also soothe the throat. Avoid spicy, very sour, salty or fried foods, as these can make sore throats worse.

How long does a sore throat last?

Is it okay to do sports with a sore throat?

Yes, light to moderate-intensity sports are allowed with a mild sore throat. Pay attention to your body’s signals and stop any sports activity if you have additional symptoms such as fever, cough, unusually high pulse, fatigue or aching limbs. Take special care to drink enough fluids. In the event of severe or prolonged sore throat, do not exercise and seek medical advice.

Sore throat is mainly caused by an infection of the upper respiratory tract. Viruses or bacteria cause inflammation, swelling and irritation of the mucous membranes in the throat and pharynx. Allergies, dry air, excessive crying, and smoking or drinking alcohol can also cause a sore throat.

What to do when children have a sore throat?

What medicines help with sore throat?

Paracetamol relieves the pain, ibuprofen additionally fights the inflammation. Lozenges with local anesthetic agents such as lidocaine or benzocaine and throat sprays with a local anesthetic can also be used. If symptoms persist or increase, or if you suspect a bacterial infection, see a doctor.

Should you go to work with a sore throat?

Should you go to the sauna with a sore throat?

No, you should not go to the sauna with a sore throat because the heat can stress the body, weaken the immune system and slow down recovery. There is also a particular risk of infecting other sauna-goers.

What should you gargle with when you have a sore throat?

When should you go to the doctor with a sore throat?

What has an anti-inflammatory effect on the throat?

Lozenges with anti-inflammatory active ingredients such as flurbiprofen or benzydamine can relieve inflammation and swelling in the throat. In addition, antiseptic gargles and anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen help with sore throats. For more severe or persistent symptoms, a doctor should be consulted, who may need to prescribe an appropriate antibiotic.