Strabismus (Crossed Eyes): Therapy

Conventional nonsurgical therapy methods

  • Heterophoria (latent strabismus) does not require treatment if there are no symptoms and stable binocular vision (binocular vision) is present.
    • If necessary, glasses are prescribed to correct an existing defective vision (higher degree hyperopia/oversightedness). This can usually already reduce the squint angle. This does not replace in any case an occlusion treatment (cover treatment); or
    • Special glasses are used, which have a so-called prismatic effect.
    • Other measures are orthoptic exercise treatments.
  • In strabismus concomitans (concomitant strabismus), occlusion treatment is used to treat the misalignment of the squinting eye. In this case, the better-seeing, non-strabismus eye is covered by the hour or day.

Regular control examinations

  • Regular ophthalmological check-ups