A testicular hernia is also called a scrotal hernia. Despite the misleading name, it is not a testicular hernia but a tear in the abdominal wall through which a part of the intestines sinks into the scrotum. Often a testicular hernia develops from an advanced inguinal hernia. Especially children and men between the ages of 40 and 50 years suffer particularly frequently from a testicular hernia. While smaller hernias are asymptomatic and often go unnoticed, larger scrotal hernias in particular can be very painful and must be treated immediately.
The largest part of the abdominal organs is located in the body within the peritoneum. This is a thin layer of tissue that lines the abdominal cavity from the inside and extends from the diaphragm to the small pelvis. A tissue tear in the abdominal wall can create a gap through which the peritoneum is pressed out of the abdomen.
This sack-like bulge is called a hernia sac. The hernial sac consists of parts of the intestines (mainly small intestine and surrounding fatty tissue), which are covered by the peritoneum. Most often, the hernial orifice is formed in the groin (inguinal hernia).
If the hernial sac is very heavy, it moves further down along the spermatic cord in the groin and can thus enter the testicles. This clinical picture is then called a testicular hernia. The cause of a testicular hernia is in most cases a weakness of the connective tissue in the abdominal area.
Due to the gaps or tears in the abdominal wall, an inguinal hernia is formed, which can subsequently develop into a testicular hernia. However, not every testicular hernia is the result of a previous inguinal hernia. Especially in newborns, a testicular hernia is often congenital and due to a developmental defect.
Often the scrotal hernia develops when the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases strongly. This happens, for example, when lifting heavy objects: the pressure increases so much that the tissue can no longer withstand it and tears. But also strong coughing, excessive pressing during defecation or certain sports can trigger a hernia.