Abdominal pain and nausea during bowel movement | Abdominal pain and nausea

Abdominal pain and nausea during bowel movement Abdominal pain during bowel movement is called defecation pain. In most cases, this pain is stabbing and burning and indicates increased intestinal activity. The causes for this are very different. As the mucous membrane of the anus is very sensitive, there is often severe pain when small damages … Abdominal pain and nausea during bowel movement | Abdominal pain and nausea

Exercise contractions

Definition Exercise contractions are contractions that occur sporadically during pregnancy and prepare the uterus for the coming birth. Exercising contractions are also called pre-contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions and are usually not painful. There are only short contractions of the uterus, which manifest themselves in a short hardening of the abdomen. The exercise contractions are not … Exercise contractions

Unilateral and bilateral contractions | Exercise contractions

Unilateral and bilateral contractions In classic exercise contractions, the entire lower abdomen normally becomes hard because the uterus contracts for a short time. Depending on the position of the child, however, the hardening may also feel distinctly one-sided. The child’s head in particular can be felt as a hard resistance. If the child lies with … Unilateral and bilateral contractions | Exercise contractions

CTG for exercise contractions | Exercise contractions

CTG for exercise contractions CTG (cardiotocography) is very well suited for recording the contractions of a pregnant woman and, in parallel, the heart action of the unborn child. It is therefore a very important diagnostic procedure in obstetrics. The CTG records all contractions, so it can also be used to detect exercise contractions. The CTG … CTG for exercise contractions | Exercise contractions

Exercise contractions or stretching of the mother ligaments – How can I tell the difference? | Exercise contractions

Exercise contractions or stretching of the mother ligaments – How can I tell the difference? The strong ligaments that hold the uterus in position and pull it from both sides to the pubic bone and the sacrum are called maternal ligaments. As the uterus enlarges during pregnancy, the uterine ligaments are stretched. This results in … Exercise contractions or stretching of the mother ligaments – How can I tell the difference? | Exercise contractions