Neurodermatitis relapse

What is a neurodermatitis relapse? Persons who have a congenital predisposition for neurodermatitis can suffer a neurodermatitis flare-up due to various triggers. A relapse is an acute worsening of the symptoms of a chronic disease. Between the relapses, the disease remains calm and does not cause any acute complaints. The sudden occurrence of inflammatory skin … Neurodermatitis relapse

Symptoms of a relapse | Neurodermatitis relapse

Symptoms of a relapse In the case of neurodermatitis, symptom-free phases alternate with acute neurodermatitis attacks.An acute flare-up of the disease can be recognized by the sudden appearance or worsening of the symptoms. Initially, the affected persons suffer from slightly reddened skin areas, which subsequently become further inflamed, dry and scaly. At the inflamed areas, … Symptoms of a relapse | Neurodermatitis relapse

Home remedies as an alternative treatment | Neurodermatitis relapse

Home remedies as an alternative treatment There are a number of home remedies for acute atopic dermatitis that are designed to help relieve the symptoms. Baths with salt from the Dead Sea have a soothing effect on the skin. For the sea salt to develop its healing effect, the bath should last at least 20 … Home remedies as an alternative treatment | Neurodermatitis relapse