Duration of Quincke’s edema | The Quincke edema

Duration of Quincke’s edema Quincke’s edema develops acutely over a few seconds to minutes. With immediate therapy, it usually subsides within a few minutes. It is therefore an acute event overall. However, hereditary or idiopathic Quincke’s edema in particular can occur repeatedly and therefore lead to chronic recurrence, whereas allergic Quincke’s edema can be prevented … Duration of Quincke’s edema | The Quincke edema


Products Fosinopril is commercially available in tablet form. It has been approved in many countries since 1991. The original fosinopril is no longer available. Only fixed combinations with hydrochlorothiazide are currently on the market (generics). Fosicomp is also off the market. Structure and properties Fosinopril (C30H46NO7P, Mr = 563.7 g/mol) is present in drugs as … Fosinopril


What’s bradykinin? Bradykinin is a hormone, which means that it contributes to the communication between cells. It has a similar effect to histamine. In contrast to steroid hormones such as cortisol, for example, it is made up of amino acids strung together, in this case 9 different amino acids. The biological half-life is just 15 … Bradykinin

Tongue Swelling: Causes, Treatment & Help

Tongue swelling usually occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to food, medications, or insect bites, or in association with genetic angioedema. A pronounced allergic reaction can condition tongue swelling, which causes life-threatening narrowing of the upper airway. What is tongue swelling? Tongue swelling is not understood as a disease entity in its own … Tongue Swelling: Causes, Treatment & Help

Hypereosinophilia Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hypereosinophilia syndromes are several multisystem disorders that are relatively rare. They are characterized by the presence of eosinophilia in the peripheral blood over a period of more than six months. Alternatively, bone markosinophilia is also possible, the cause of which cannot be proven. In addition, severe organ dysfunction is seen in association with eosinophilic tissue … Hypereosinophilia Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Danazol: Effects, Uses & Risks

Danazol is a synthetic steroid hormone and is responsible for hormonal management. In the 70s, Danazol was approved and released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In Germany Danazol is no longer available since 2005. However, danazol is still available abroad. What is danazol? Danazol is a sex hormone that increases and checks masculinity. … Danazol: Effects, Uses & Risks

Cefazolin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Cefazolin is a semisynthetic antibiotic that belongs to the group of cephalosporins. In this context, the drug belongs to first-generation cephalosporins. Cefazolin is characterized by its bactericidal properties. Here, the effect of the drug is primarily based on the fact that the active substance impairs the formation of cell walls in bacteria. What is cefazolin? … Cefazolin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Hereditary Angioedema: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Fleeting but often pronounced episodes of swelling, predominantly in the face, but also in the hands, feet, or respiratory tract: such symptoms are indicative of angioedema. This usually occurs in the context of an allergic reaction; much more rarely, it is caused by a congenital disorder. In this case, however, additional gastrointestinal complaints usually occur. … Hereditary Angioedema: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Hereditary Angioedema: Diagnosis and Therapy

Clinical suspicion is confirmed by measuring C1 esterase inhibitor activity or C1 esterase inhibitor antigen in blood plasma. There is currently no cure for patients suffering from HAE attacks. Also, no therapy exists to date to completely prevent the attacks. Nevertheless, the symptoms can be relieved and the progression of the edema can be prevented. … Hereditary Angioedema: Diagnosis and Therapy