
Products The medicinal drug, essential oil and medicinal products are available in pharmacies and drugstores. Anise is included in tea blends, bronchial pastilles, candies, rheumatism ointments, nursing teas, drops and cough syrups, among other products. It is also needed for the preparation of absinthe, pastis, and aniseed ravioli and rolls. Stem plant Anise from the … Anise

Bronchial Pastilles

Effects Bronchial pastilles have anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, cough-irritant, and/or expectorant effects, among others, depending on the product. Indications Used for symptomatic treatment of irritable cough, cough with mucus production (catarrh), and for sore throat and hoarseness. Abuse Bronchial pastilles containing codeine can be abused as an intoxicant in overdose. Active ingredients Bronchial pastilles usually contain herbal … Bronchial Pastilles

Sweet Wood

Products Licorice is available as cut open or in the form of licorice stems in pharmacies and drugstores. Licorice extract is found in bronchial pastilles, in teas, and various cough medicines, among other products. The extract is also a component of licorice and corresponding confectionery. Stem plant Stem plants include various -species of the legume … Sweet Wood