
Products Medicines containing zipeprol are no longer on the market in many countries. Mirsol is no longer available. Zipeprol is classified as a narcotic. Structure and properties Zipeprol (C23H32N2O3, Mr = 384.5 g/mol) is a disubstituted piperazine derivative with a non-opioid structure. Effects Zipeprol (ATC R05DB15) has antitussive properties. In addition, anticholinergic, antihistamine, local anesthetic, … Zipeprol


Products Benproperine is commercially available in the form of tablets (Tussafug). The drug is not registered in many countries. Structure and properties Benproperine (C21H27NO, Mr = 309.4 g/mol) is a piperidine derivative. It is present in the drug as a racemate and benproperine phosphate. Effects Benproperine (ATC R05DB02) has antitussive properties. It is not opioid … Benproperine

Rhinathiol Promethazine

Withdrawal from the market Rhinathiol Promethazine (Sanofi-Aventis Suisse SA, category C) contained a combination of the sedative antihistamine promethazine and the expectorant mucolytic carbocisteine. According to the package insert, the syrup could be taken for both productive cough and irritable cough (1). It was frequently used in children. The drug was withdrawn from the market … Rhinathiol Promethazine


Products Dextromethorphan is available in the form of tablets, lozenges, sustained-release capsules, syrup, and drops, among others (in many countries, for example, Bexin, Calmerphan, Calmesin, Pulmofor, combination preparations). The first drugs came on the market in the 1950s. Structure and properties Dextromethorphan (C18H25NO, Mr = 271.4 g/mol) was developed as an analog of codeine and … Dextromethorphan


Products Butamirate is commercially available as a syrup, drops, and depot tablets (e.g., NeoCitran cough suppressant, formerly Sinecod). It has been approved in many countries since 1965. Structure and properties Butamirate (C18H29NO3, Mr = 307.4 g/mol) is present in drugs as butamirate dihydrogen citrate. It has structural similarities to the antitussive butetamate. Butamirate is not … Butamirate


Products Noscapine is commercially available in the form of lozenges, capsules, drops, as a syrup, and as suppositories. Except for Tussanil N, the drugs are combination products. Structure and properties The phthalideisoquinoline noscapine (C22H23NO7, Mr = 413.4 g/mol) is present in drugs as a free base or as noscapine hydrochloride monohydrate. Noscapine is a white … Noscapine


Products Dropropizine is commercially available in the form of pastilles (Larylin). The drug is not registered in many countries. Structure and properties Dropropizine (C13H20N2O2, Mr = 236.3 g/mol) is a racemate. The -enantiomer levodropropizine is reported to be more pharmacologically active (see there). Effects Dropropizine (ATC R05DB19) is antitussive. Indications Irritative cough, upper respiratory tract … Dropropicin

Bronchial Pastilles

Effects Bronchial pastilles have anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, cough-irritant, and/or expectorant effects, among others, depending on the product. Indications Used for symptomatic treatment of irritable cough, cough with mucus production (catarrh), and for sore throat and hoarseness. Abuse Bronchial pastilles containing codeine can be abused as an intoxicant in overdose. Active ingredients Bronchial pastilles usually contain herbal … Bronchial Pastilles


Products Pentoxyverine is commercially available as syrup and drops, among other products. The drug is not registered in many countries. Structure and properties Pentoxyverine (C20H31NO3, Mr = 333.5 g/mol) is a phenylcyclopentane derivative. In pharmaceuticals, it is present as pentoxyverine citrate. It is also referred to as carbetapentane. Effects Pentoxyverine (ATC R05DB05) has antitussive, mild … Pentoxyverine


Products Butetamate is no longer available in pharmaceuticals in many countries. It was formerly on the market in cough dragées formulation 536. Structure and properties Butetamate has a similar structure to butamirate: Effects Butetamate is reported to be cough-irritant. Indications Irritative cough


Products Morclofon is commercially available as a syrup (Nitux). It has been approved in many countries since 1979. Structure and properties Morclofon (C21H24ClNO5, Mr = 405.87 g/mol) is 4′-chloro-3,5-dimethoxy-4-(2-morpholinoethoxy)benzophenone. Effects Morclofon (ATC R05DB25) has central antitussive and bronchospasmolytic properties. It is an older drug. Modern registration studies are lacking. Indications For the treatment of irritable … Morclofon


Products Levodropropizine is commercially available in the form of drops and as a syrup (e.g., Quimbo). The drug is not registered in many countries. Structure and properties Levodropropizine (C13H20N2O2, Mr = 236.3 g/mol) is a white crystalline powder. It is the -enantiomer of dropropizine (Larylin) and a phenylpiperazine propane derivative. Levodropropizine is considered more pharmacologically … Levodropropizine