Dysarthria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The term dysarthria covers a range of disorders in speech. Writing, reading, grammar and language comprehension are not affected. Only the motor function of speech is disturbed due to impairment of cranial nerves or damage to the brain. What is dysarthria? Speaking is a highly complex interaction of more than a hundred muscles, the larynx, … Dysarthria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pediatric Audiology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Pediatric audiology deals with childhood hearing, voice, swallowing, and speech disorders, as well as disorders of speech development. Together with phoniatrics, pediatric audiology forms an independent specialty that was managed as a sub-specialty of otolaryngology (ENT) until 1993. Pediatric audiology, like phoniatrics, has a strong interdisciplinary character because the problems that arise are often not … Pediatric Audiology: Treatment, Effects & Risks