Swimming pool conjunctivitis

Introduction The classical swimming pool conjunctivitis takes its name from the previously frequent infection in the swimming pool. In the meantime, the infection rates in swimming pools are extremely rare under good hygienic conditions, which is why the term is no longer entirely up-to-date. Swimming pool conjunctivitis is an infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva caused … Swimming pool conjunctivitis

Associated symptoms of swimming pool conjunctivitis | Swimming pool conjunctivitis

Associated symptoms of swimming pool conjunctivitis The typical symptoms of swimming pool conjunctivitis are initially the same as those that occur with normal conjunctivitis. The disease begins about 4-14 days after infection – usually with the development of redness and swelling of the eye. In most cases only one eye is affected at first. Frequently, … Associated symptoms of swimming pool conjunctivitis | Swimming pool conjunctivitis

Diagnosis of swimming pool conjunctivitis | Swimming pool conjunctivitis

Diagnosis of swimming pool conjunctivitis For the diagnosis of swimming pool conjunctivitis a good interview and physical examination is sufficient in most cases. Classically, the reddened eyes are conspicuous. In addition, the interview of the affected person (anamnesis) usually reports a one-sided beginning, which then spreads to both eyes. The typical symptoms with a suitable … Diagnosis of swimming pool conjunctivitis | Swimming pool conjunctivitis