Hemorrhoids: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hemorrhoids or piles are not a disease directly, but the colloquial term for hemorrhoidal disease. Hemorrhoids themselves, are natural swelling bodies in the anal area. If the hemorrhoids become engorged with blood and its drainage is disturbed, one speaks of hemorrhoidal disease. These knot-like bulges in the mucous membrane are accompanied by the typical symptoms, … Hemorrhoids: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

General Weakness: Causes, Treatment & Help

General weakness, exhaustion, feeling of weakness, as well as malaise and rapid fatigue are symptoms from the complex of mood disorders. In general, they also include lack of strength, chronic weakness, faintness and the like. Fatigue and low resilience are characterized as independent symptoms. These disorders of well-being may have physical or psychological causes. What … General Weakness: Causes, Treatment & Help

Cracked Feet: Causes, Treatment & Help

Cracked feet are a very common problem that can have many causes. Crucial to the formation of cracked feet is excess callus, which hardens more and more. However, with proper care, the development of cracked feet can be avoided. What are cracked feet? Cracked feet are often referred to as scabs or calluses. Cracked feet … Cracked Feet: Causes, Treatment & Help

Cracked Heels: Causes, Treatment & Help

Cracked heels can develop from dry, stressed heel corneas. However, they are not a fate, but can be treated well with some simple treatment measures. The same applies to cracked heels: prevention is better than cure. Proper care can help prevent cracked heels. What are cracked heels? Cracks in the heel cornea, often referred to … Cracked Heels: Causes, Treatment & Help

Banana: Ingredients and Calories

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits – we eat them raw, boiled, baked or grilled and even drink them as nectar, in smoothies or milkshakes. No wonder, because the crooked fruits are not only tasty, but are also full of nutrients and are therefore extremely healthy. Here you can learn more about ingredients, … Banana: Ingredients and Calories

Mango: Intolerance & Allergy

Mangoes are called the drupes of the tropical mango tree, weighing up to 2 kg, whose yellowish flesh is prized for its sweet and sour pleasant taste. Mangoes are now grown for commercial purposes almost worldwide in tropical and subtropical countries. In addition to the pulp, the flat, broad stones of the fruit are also … Mango: Intolerance & Allergy

Fructose Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Intestinal fructose intolerance is an intolerance to fructose (intestinal means that the disease affects the digestive tract, fructose is fruit sugar, intolerance means intolerance). It manifests itself mainly in digestive symptoms. What is fructose intolerance? Fructose intolerance is a digestive disorder in which fructose from food cannot be adequately absorbed in the intestine (malabsorption), causing … Fructose Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment