Myomas: Diagnosis and Therapy

First, the doctor will take the medical history and ask exactly about the symptoms. During gynecological palpation, he may be able to palpate a uniform enlargement or bulbous changes. The diagnosis can almost always be made by ultrasound examination through the vagina. Rarely, a uteroscopy or laparoscopy is still necessary to bring clarity. What therapy … Myomas: Diagnosis and Therapy

Polyps in the nose

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Polyposis nasi nasal polyps Introduction Nasal polyps (Polyposis nasi, nasal polyps) are benign growths of the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses. These changes are usually accompanied by restricted nasal breathing and can lead to secondary diseases if left untreated. However, since early diagnosis and a good … Polyps in the nose

History | Polyps in the nose

History In principle, polyps of the nose take a benign course. In about 90% of the patients, the symptoms are initially eliminated or at least significantly improved by surgery.Unfortunately, polyps of the nose and paranasal sinuses tend to occur again and again (recurrences). Therefore, a consistent follow-up treatment is absolutely necessary, which includes the use … History | Polyps in the nose

Lipoma on the sole of the foot

A lipoma is a benign tumor that originates from fatty tissue cells (adipocytes). Such a benign fat tumor is one of the most common tumors in humans, about 2 percent of all people have a lipoma. Lipomas are most frequently located in the area of the head (lipoma on the head) and neck, on the … Lipoma on the sole of the foot


Definiton The oligodendroglioma belongs to the group of brain tumors and is usually benign. The most frequent occurrence of the oligodendroglioma is at the age of 25-40 years. Oligodendrogliomas are tumors that develop from certain cells of the brain. These cells are called oligodendrocytes; they surround the nerve cells in the brain and serve as … Oligodendroglioma