Further therapeutic measures | ITBS – Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Further therapeutic measures

When correctly applied, tapestries can support the muscles in their function, but also relieve tense tissue. In the case of ITBS, a system along the entire length of the tendon ligament is suitable.Tapes are applied in slight pre-stretch.

  • In our case, the patient lies on the unaffected side, the upper leg bent and relaxed in front of the lower one.

    Approximately from the knee joint gap, the tape is applied without pulling up to the hip along the iliotbial ligament. If the leg is now moved back from the stretching position, the tape contracts slightly, small lifts occur, to which the skin underneath sticks. These small “involvements” create space and relief in the tissue.

    Additionally, the muscles radiating into the tractus can be taped.

More stretching exercises for the buttocks, hips and legs can be found in the article Stretching exercises.

  • For stretching the tractus iliotibialis, you can sit on the treatment bench or in your bed at home, lying sideways close to the edge that is now in front of you. Both legs are slightly bent.

    From this position, lower the upper leg, which is the leg to be stretched, forward until it hangs freely over the edge. To do this, turn the upper body in the opposite direction so that the upper back rests on the pad. In addition, the upper arm, which is now also lying on the pad, can be spread to the side.

    The tractus including the entire lateral muscle and fascial chain is stretched. The patient breathes in and out deeply into the stretched side. To reinforce the expansion, the hanging leg at the outer knee is lowered a further distance.

  • To stretch the gluteal muscles (buttocks), lie on your back with your feet on the floor.

    Now place one foot on the thigh of the other leg. With your hands, grasp the thigh of the leg you have put up and pull it towards your upper body until the foot is in the air and a stretch can be felt in the other leg on the outer buttocks. Hold this position for about 30 seconds before changing sides.

  • A fascial roller such as the Blackroll is suitable for the treatment of ITBS or generally for loosening tissue in a runner.

    In our case, please move to a lateral position. With the lower arm the upper body is supported high. The lower leg is stretched out, the upper leg is hit once over it and the foot is placed in front of the lower thigh.

    Using the leg and arm in the upright position, briefly press the pelvis into the air, place the Blackroll crosswise under the lateral thigh and place the leg back on top. With the foot in the upright position, the body is slowly rolled up and down so that the entire length of the tractus is rolled out. Depending on how much body weight is on the roll, the more intensive or less intensive the tissue massage will be – not very pleasant but very effective.