Benzoe Tree

Stem plant Styracaceae: Siambenzoe (Laos). Styracaceae: Sumatrabenzoe (Indonesia) Medicinal drug Benzoin: Is called siambenzoe or sumatrabenzoe, depending on the origin and stem plant. Benzoin is a resin that comes out after the trees are injured. Ingredients Benzoic acid Coniferyl alcohol Vanillin Effects Anti-inflammatory Expectorant Antimicrobial Antioxidant Indications Skin diseases Common colds

Common Butterwort: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Common butterwort belongs to the carnivorous plants. In Germany, it is endangered and threatened with extinction in the wild due to its dwindling habitats. In cultivated form, plant lovers appreciate the herb for its blue flowers and its preference for fruit flies and fungus gnats. In earlier times, it was a recognized medicinal plant. Occurrence … Common Butterwort: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits