Kidney Vetch: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Kidney vetch, popularly known as common kidney vetch, bear clover or woundwort, is widely used as a valuable medicinal plant throughout Europe. In traditional folk medicine, kidney vetch has a long tradition. Occurrence and cultivation of kidney vetch Between the months of June and September, the yellow calyxes with their typical red tips appear. With … Kidney Vetch: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Blisters on the Feet

Symptoms Blisters occur on the feet during high-impact activities, such as hiking, jogging, playing sports, or during military service. They also occur on the hands, such as during rowing, manual labor, or gardening. The formation of a skin blister begins with a feeling of warmth and redness and progresses to a burning sensation, forming a … Blisters on the Feet

Blister Plaster

Effects Blister plasters relieve friction and pain and promote wound healing. The plaster forms a second skin that protects the wound and creates a good environment for wound healing. Indications A blister patch is a special wound dressing used to prevent and/or treat a skin blister. Application The patch should be applied as early as … Blister Plaster