
Synonyms Endogenous Osteomyelitis Bone Conduction Bone Marrow Inflammation Osteitis Brodie abscess Osteomyelitis in childhood Definition Osteomyelitis (majority osteomyelitis) is an infectious disease of the bone. It is often referred to as chronic bone ulceration. Osteomyelitis (bone ulceration) can be caused by specific infections, such as tuberculosis and many others. However, osteomyelitis is usually based on … Osteomyelitis

X-ray | Osteomyelitis

X-ray Osteomyelitis can be made visible by imaging techniques. However, in acute osteomyelitis, the changes in the bone structure are only visible on X-rays after about one to two weeks. In the further course of the disease, the x-ray reveals spotty brightening, detachment of the periosteum from the bone and calcifications (ossifications). In chronic osteomyelitis, … X-ray | Osteomyelitis

Antibiosis | Osteomyelitis

Antibiosis Decisive for the antibiotic treatment of osteomyelitis is the detection of the pathogen at the affected site. In any case, a blood test should be performed, and if necessary, a puncture of fluid accumulations and abscesses at the osteomyelitic focus should be performed to determine the pathogen. In the best case, treatment with antibiotics … Antibiosis | Osteomyelitis

Symptoms | Osteomyelitis

Symptoms Endogenous hematogenous osteomyelitis is usually a disease of the entire body in infants and small children and usually manifests itself with a fever of up to about 40° C. In addition, depression and shivering become noticeable. Areas affected by the bone inflammation become noticeable by strong redness, swelling and pressure pain. The symptoms mentioned … Symptoms | Osteomyelitis