Rosacea Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder of the face that typically affects the cheeks, nose, chin, and central forehead symmetrically (Figure). The skin around the eyes is left out. It occurs more often in people with fair skin and in middle age, but it can occur in any skin type and at any … Rosacea Causes and Treatment

Urticaria: Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Urticaria is a skin disorder that manifests itself in the following symptoms: Temporary wheals with a diameter of millimeters to centimeters, which recede on their own within minutes to hours. Itching, burning and redness of the skin. Angioedema, which is a swelling of the lower skin or mucosal tissue that may be accompanied by … Urticaria: Causes and Treatment

Cholinergic Urticaria

Symptoms Cholinergic urticaria is a type of urticaria that occurs primarily on the upper body, chest, neck, face, back, and arms. It manifests itself in an initially scattered and then coalescing redness of the skin, itching, burning and a sensation of warmth. At the same time, small wheals form, which are smaller than in other … Cholinergic Urticaria


Symptoms A hot flash is a spontaneous feeling of warmth that may be accompanied by sweating, palpitations, flushing of the skin, feelings of anxiety, and subsequent chills, and lasts for a few minutes. The flushes affect mainly the head and upper body, but sometimes the whole body. The flushes often also occur at night, are … Floods

Cold Urticaria

Note See also the following page: cholinergic urticaria. Symptoms Localized or generalized depending on exposure. Cold-exposed areas of the body are often affected, such as the face: wheals, redness, itching, burning, angioedema. Systemic accompanying symptoms such as fever, chills, pain, headache; complications such as anaphylaxis, respiratory distress, collapse (see below). Symptoms usually appear shortly after … Cold Urticaria