Hives (Urticaria): Causes & Treatment

Brief overview Causes and risk factors: Excessive histamine release, cause not always known, various triggers possible, e.g. allergies and intolerances, infections, physical or chemical stimuli, UV light. Therapy: Mostly anti-histamines, in more severe cases cortisone, if necessary leukotriene antagonists, immune suppressants, drugs against triggering infections, supportive measures such as cooling, ointments etc. Symptoms: wheals and … Hives (Urticaria): Causes & Treatment

Cholinergic Urticaria

Symptoms Cholinergic urticaria is a type of urticaria that occurs primarily on the upper body, chest, neck, face, back, and arms. It manifests itself in an initially scattered and then coalescing redness of the skin, itching, burning and a sensation of warmth. At the same time, small wheals form, which are smaller than in other … Cholinergic Urticaria

Cold Urticaria

Note See also the following page: cholinergic urticaria. Symptoms Localized or generalized depending on exposure. Cold-exposed areas of the body are often affected, such as the face: wheals, redness, itching, burning, angioedema. Systemic accompanying symptoms such as fever, chills, pain, headache; complications such as anaphylaxis, respiratory distress, collapse (see below). Symptoms usually appear shortly after … Cold Urticaria