
Introduction By “rheumatism” one understands all illnesses of the so-called rheumatic form circle, which covers altogether approx. 450 different diseases. What they all have in common is that the immune system turns against its own body, especially against structures of tissues and joints. Among the most well-known rheumatic diseases are rheumatoid arthritis, the group of … Rheumatism

Forms of rheumatism | Rheumatism

Forms of rheumatism There are numerous forms of rheumatoid diseases. The best known form is rheumatoid arthritis. It affects the joints of the body and, in addition to the pain, leads to joint deformation and severe restrictions in movement if not treated well enough. Furthermore, there are inflammatory rheumatic changes of the vertebral bodies in … Forms of rheumatism | Rheumatism

Rheumatism League | Rheumatism

Rheumatism League The German Rheumatism League is a non-profit association, which is divided into local units. It has set itself the goal of being a contact point and counseling center for those affected. It is important in this context to take away the uncertainty for the patients, which often arises during the initial diagnosis of … Rheumatism League | Rheumatism

Symptoms | Rheumatism

Symptoms Since rheumatism is only a generic term for the various clinical pictures, you will find more detailed information on the signs and symptoms of the individual clinical pictures (see above). First of all, almost all rheumatoid illnesses show quite unspecific general symptoms. These usually consist of fatigue, sometimes also fever, night sweats and muscle … Symptoms | Rheumatism

Diagnosis | Rheumatism

Diagnosis The Diagnsoe of a rheumatologische illness is often difficult to place, because sometimes an unnoticed rheumatism hides itself also behind numerous untypical complaints. The initial examination consists of the patient questioning. The morning stiffness of the joints over 30 minutes already gives a first indication of a rheumatologic happening. This is followed by the … Diagnosis | Rheumatism

Therapy | Rheumatism

Therapy Rheumatic diseases can also be treated by homeopathy. Of course, rheumatism cannot be cured by this, but the symptoms of the illness can be significantly alleviated. Mesotherapy can also be considered as a therapeutic method. Against the background that the final mechanism of the development of rheumatism has not yet been fully understood, there … Therapy | Rheumatism