Chronic glandular fever

Definition – What is chronic glandular fever? The chronically active Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is, as the name suggests, a chronic form of acute Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, “infectious mononucleosis”. It is defined as the occurrence of symptoms even after 3 months after infection with the Ebstein Barr virus. It is a rare, progressive disease that begins … Chronic glandular fever

The chronic fatigue syndrome | Chronic glandular fever

The chronic fatigue syndrome The chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex clinical picture, which is characterized by extreme fatigue and cannot yet be explained by an organic cause. It is often brought in connection with the Pfeiffer’s glandular fever. In a symptomatic illness with Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, a pronounced physical weakness and fatigue is often … The chronic fatigue syndrome | Chronic glandular fever

Chronic disease

Definition A chronic disease is a disease that affects health over a longer period of time or will be present for life. Although the disease can and usually must be treated by a doctor, it cannot be cured. Some illnesses are already called chronic from the moment of diagnosis, because according to the current state … Chronic disease

Statistics | Chronic disease

Statistics Statistical surveys on chronic diseases have been collected for about 40 years. It is assumed that almost 20% of all Germans suffer from a chronic disease. In the past, infectious diseases were the number one cause of death; today most people die as a result of a chronic illness. It is assumed that 80% … Statistics | Chronic disease

Chronic Pain Disorders

Any pain, especially if it is inadequately treated or persists over a long period of time, carries the risk of becoming chronic. This is caused by a change in nerve cells at the level of the spinal cord and brain. Learn more about chronic pain disorders. Acute pain as a protective reflex Everyone is familiar … Chronic Pain Disorders

Men and Migraine: Shirkers, Slackers

“Migraines are headaches, even if you don’t have any” – with this thesis, Erich Kästner already declared all migraine patients to be malingerers in his book “Pünktchen und Anton”. In the case of women, who actually suffer from migraines more frequently than men, the sometimes excruciating pain is increasingly accepted as a genuine complaint. But … Men and Migraine: Shirkers, Slackers

Stomach ache due to psyche

Introduction Problems of the psyche or anxiety-laden situations are often reflected in stomach aches. Everybody knows the unpleasant gut feeling, for example before exam situations. This is particularly common in children. Causes The term “psychosomatic” is used to describe mental and psychological complaints/worries and/or inner-psychic conflicts, which manifest themselves in physical complaints, often including stomach … Stomach ache due to psyche

Psychogenic abdominal pain in children | Stomach ache due to psyche

Psychogenic abdominal pain in children Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms expressed by children. Often, especially in the case of recurring abdominal pain, no organic cause in the sense of a physical illness can be found. This is often called navel colic in children. Meanwhile it is assumed that every fifth child … Psychogenic abdominal pain in children | Stomach ache due to psyche


An inflammation of the choroid is also called choroiditis and describes an inflammation of the choroid, which is located between the retina and the sclera. The choroid is responsible for supplying nutrients and regulating the temperature of the retina. Often the inflammation affects the retina at the same time, so in most cases it is … Haematitis

Treatment/Therapy | Haematitis

Treatment/Therapy The treatment of a choroidal inflammation depends on the cause. Therefore, a quick and comprehensive diagnosis is very important for the correct therapy decision. In very severe cases where there is no healing, surgical therapy can prevent complications from occurring. If a bacterial infection is the cause of the choroiditis, treatment is primarily by … Treatment/Therapy | Haematitis