Potato Poultice

What is a potato wrap?

To make a potato wrap (also called a potato overlay or potato compress), you wrap hot, boiled and mashed potatoes in several cloth towels.

How does a potato wrap work?

The potato wrap belongs to the moist-hot wraps. The compress gives long and intense heat to the body. The heat lasts very long because the potato mass stores the heat well. Whether the ingredients of the potato also have an effect is not known.

What ingredients do you need for the potato wrap?

To prepare a potato wrap you need:

  • 500 g of unpeeled potatoes
  • inner cloth (2-3 times the size of the area to be treated)
  • intermediate cloth if necessary
  • outer cloth (e.g. towel)
  • if necessary adhesive tape

The preparation of a potato wrap

  1. Boil the potatoes until soft and drain. Allow to steam slightly and mash with the help of a fork or the blade of a knife.
  2. Check the temperature (if the compress is too hot, there is a risk of burns) and apply to the affected part of the body. If necessary, place an intermediate towel between the skin and the potato compress.
  3. Fix the compress with an outer cloth (e.g. towel).

How is a potato wrap applied?

The potato wrap is always applied directly to the affected part of the body in case of pain and tension. The heat penetrates the tissue and relieves the pain.

If the patient finds the heat uncomfortable or the discomfort worsens, you should remove the potato wrap immediately. Otherwise, let it work for 30 minutes. Then cover and rest in bed for 30-60 minutes. You can use the potato wrap once a day as long as the discomfort persists.

For what ailments does the potato wrap help?

The potato wrap is mainly to help against pain and tension, especially for the following complaints:

  • bronchitis
  • cough
  • Muscle tension
  • Back pain
  • neck pain
  • rheumatic complaints
  • sore throat

When is it not recommended to use it?

It is not recommended to use the potato overlay for the following complaints:

  • fever
  • acute inflammations
  • open skin injuries or skin irritations
  • infections
  • suspected internal bleeding
  • varicose veins

If you suffer from heart disease or high blood pressure, you should always check with your attending physician whether heat treatment is advisable.

Caution should also be exercised by people with circulatory or nerve disorders – for example, due to long-standing diabetes. They do not feel the heat properly. The intense heat of the potato wrap then easily causes burns that they notice too late.

Treatment with home remedies has its limits. If the symptoms persist for a long time, do not improve or even get worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.