Hepatitis C: Diagnosis

Because symptoms are often very uncharacteristic, the suspicion of hepatitis C infection is often made by chance during a blood test based on abnormal liver values. Various tests may be performed for further clarification: With the help of the so-called ELISA test, antibodies against the hepatitis C virus can be detected 3 months after infection. … Hepatitis C: Diagnosis

Elevated Liver Enzymes

Liver cells are damaged in liver diseases. This often shows up in the blood: as a sign of the damage or stress, liver values are constantly or frequently elevated. Although liver cells die at some point even in a healthy organ and are replaced by new cells, in liver disease this cell death can become … Elevated Liver Enzymes

Dysproteinemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Patients with dysproteinemia suffer from a congenital or acquired imbalance of blood proteins. Because these proteins are produced in the liver, liver damage is behind the phenomenon in many cases. Treatment depends on the primary cause. What is dysproteinemia? The Greek prefix “dys-” literally means “disorder” or “malfunction.” “Aemia” means “in the blood” in German. … Dysproteinemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gall bladder pain

Gall bladder pain is a common symptom nowadays. The reason for this is the relatively high-fat diet and lack of exercise. Pain in the gallbladder can be attributed to various causes such as gallstones or inflammation of the gall bladder. The pain manifests itself in the form of pressure pain or colic. The therapy of … Gall bladder pain

Therapy | Gall bladder pain

Therapy The question that arises for those affected by gallbladder pain is: What can be done? It is not advisable to wait long before consulting a doctor, as such pain should always be clarified before further measures are taken. The treatment depends on the type and extent of the disease. In simple cases, avoiding fatty … Therapy | Gall bladder pain

Esophageal Variceal Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Esophageal variceal hemorrhage is bleeding from varicose veins within the esophagus. It is classified as a medical emergency and is life-threatening. What is esophageal variceal bleeding? Esophageal varices are varicose veins (varices) in the esophagus (food pipe). They are most often caused by portal hypertension. Esophageal varices cause dilatation of the veins within the esophagus. … Esophageal Variceal Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment