How contagious are different types of fever? | How can I tell if my fever is contagious?

How contagious are different types of fever? Hives fever is caused by the popularly known “hives”. It is a skin disease that can have many causes. However, its physical manifestation is independent of the cause. The name already suggests that this disease is characterized by wheals and redness on the skin, which normally occur after … How contagious are different types of fever? | How can I tell if my fever is contagious?

Causes of sinusitis | Risk of sinusitis infection

Causes of sinusitis Infectious pathogens are the cause of sinusitis in the majority of cases. Viruses make up the majority of potential pathogens, but bacteria can also cause inflammation with rhinitis. The viruses that are mainly responsible for rhinitis with inflammation are called “rhinoviruses”. Bacteria that cause sinusitis are mainly streptococci and staphylococci. They are … Causes of sinusitis | Risk of sinusitis infection

What can I do to avoid being infected? | Which diarrhea is contagious?

What can I do to avoid being infected? If it is infectious diarrhea, the most important measure is thorough hygiene. Regular hand washing is especially important. Alternatively, the hands can be rubbed with Sagrotan or Sterilium. The patient’s surroundings should also be thoroughly cleaned – in particular, the toilet should be disinfected after each use. … What can I do to avoid being infected? | Which diarrhea is contagious?

Is the diarrhea after a rotavirus vaccination contagious? | Which diarrhea is contagious?

Is the diarrhea after a rotavirus vaccination contagious? A rotavirus vaccination is a so-called live vaccine. This means that the pathogen is administered in a living form. However, these pathogens are so weakened that they cannot cause disease in immunocompetents. The quantity of functional viruses is also kept very low. Despite these measures, abdominal pain … Is the diarrhea after a rotavirus vaccination contagious? | Which diarrhea is contagious?

How contagious are yeast fungi?

Introduction Yeast fungi (also called shoot fungi) belong to the microorganisms and are significantly larger than bacteria, for example. The medically most important yeast fungi are Candida (mostly Candida albicans) and Malassezia furfur. Candida albicans also colonizes the skin, mucous membranes and digestive tract of a large proportion of healthy people, but without causing symptoms. … How contagious are yeast fungi?

What can you do as a prevention not to get infected? | How contagious are yeast fungi?

What can you do as a prevention not to get infected? In the case of infections with yeast fungi, it must be remembered that these are usually due to the reproduction of the body’s own, already existing fungal colonization, and less to the infection in other affected persons. For example, condoms do not protect against … What can you do as a prevention not to get infected? | How contagious are yeast fungi?