Side effects of cortisone

What side effects can occur with cortisone? The occurrence and severity of side effects depend on the type of disease and the duration and dosage of cortisone intake. The side effects are usually closely linked to the actual function of cortisone in the body. It must therefore be clear when prescribing and taking medicines containing … Side effects of cortisone

Can cortisone cause hair loss? | Side effects of cortisone

Can cortisone cause hair loss? Hair loss is not among the side effects that can be caused by cortisone therapy. In fact, an opposite effect may even occur, namely so-called hypertrichosis. This is excessive hair growth. Cortisone is even often used to treat various forms of hair loss, such as inflammatory alopecia. Hair loss caused … Can cortisone cause hair loss? | Side effects of cortisone

Complications and contraindications of cortisone therapy | Cortisone for a slipped disc

Complications and contraindications of cortisone therapy As is the case with many procedures, complications can also arise in the treatment of a herniated disc with cortisone, especially with cortisone injections. Therefore it is important to inform the patient about the possible risks in a preliminary talk before the operation. First, the patient should be made … Complications and contraindications of cortisone therapy | Cortisone for a slipped disc

Duration of intake | Cortisone for a slipped disc

Duration of intake The duration of cortisone intake depends on the improvement of symptoms under therapy. Since the cortisone is taken to improve the symptoms of the herniated disc, the reduction in symptoms should also be the control variable that decides on the intake. Basically, the intake of a glucocorticoid over a few weeks is … Duration of intake | Cortisone for a slipped disc