Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine | Nerve root inflammation

Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine Inflammations of the nerve roots in the area of the cervical spine are often very unpleasant and sometimes associated with very severe pain. Depending on the site of the inflammation, the affected persons have tension in the neck, shoulder or between the shoulder blades. The tension can be … Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine | Nerve root inflammation

Nerve root inflammation

Definiton A nerve root inflammation, also called radiculopathy, radiculitis or root neuritis, describes the damage and irritation of a nerve root at the spine. A pair of nerve roots emerges between each vertebra: One pair each on the left and right. The nerve root can be damaged at this exit point. This can be an … Nerve root inflammation

Symptoms of the cervical spine | Symptoms of spinal canal stenosis

Symptoms of the cervical spine In spinal canal stenosis of the cervical spine, the symptoms initially occur primarily in the area of the hands and arms. This can be explained by the fact that the nerve tracts that supply the hands and arms originate in the spinal cord in the area of the cervical spine. … Symptoms of the cervical spine | Symptoms of spinal canal stenosis

Symptoms of the lumbar spine | Symptoms of spinal canal stenosis

Symptoms of the lumbar spine The lumbar spine is the area where spinal canal stenosis develops most frequently. The main symptom here is pain in the legs and back. These are load-dependent and usually occur when walking a certain distance or when standing for a long time. It is also typical that the symptoms are … Symptoms of the lumbar spine | Symptoms of spinal canal stenosis

ISG Blockade

Synonyms Hypomobility of the sacroiliac joint Cross-iliac joint blockage, ISG blockage, ISG blockage SIG blockage, SIG blockage, sacroiliac joint blockage, sacroiliac joint blockage, sacroiliac joint blockage General information The sacroiliac joint is one of the most therapy-intensive areas of the body affected by pain. 60-80% of the population suffers once in a lifetime from ISG … ISG Blockade

Differential diagnosis alternative causes | ISG Blockade

Differential diagnosis alternative causes From a functional point of view, a distinction is made between pelvic vaulting and ISG blockade Pelvic vaulting is actually a normal process when walking. However, if functional disorders occur that are not caused by the ISG, but by the spine, for example, or the upper cervicals, pelvic dislocation can also … Differential diagnosis alternative causes | ISG Blockade

Scheuermann’s disease

Introduction Scheuermann’s disease, a growth disorder occurring in adolescence at the base and top of the vertebral bodies of the thoracic and/or lumbar spine with increased kyphosis or reduced lordosis (decrease or increase in the physiological vibration of the spinal column). At least three adjacent vertebral bodies must be affected, each of which has a … Scheuermann’s disease