Depersonalization: Frequency, Symptoms, Therapy

Depersonalization: Description Depersonalization describes an alienation from one’s own person. Those affected have a disturbed self-perception and feel detached from themselves. In the case of derealization, on the other hand, those affected are plagued by the impression that their environment is not real. Depersonalization and derealization often occur together and are therefore referred to as … Depersonalization: Frequency, Symptoms, Therapy

Metamorphopsia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Patients with metamorphopsia suffer from subjectively perceived visual disturbances. The cause of this phenomenon is usually psychological or neurogenic, and the visual disturbance can take different forms from distortions to changes in proportion. Treatment depends on the cause. What is metamorphopsia? From an evolutionary biology point of view, the sense of vision is one of … Metamorphopsia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Paranoid Schizophrenia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Paranoid schizophrenia is the most common subtype of schizophrenia. The disorder is characterized by various complaints such as persecutory delusions, visual and auditory hallucinations. The alternative name “paranoid-hallucinatory schizophrenia” also stems from this. What is paranoid schizophrenia? Schizophrenia has a multifaceted appearance and belongs to the so-called endogenous psychoses. These are clinical pictures that are … Paranoid Schizophrenia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Paroxetine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Paroxetine is an antidepressant medical substance that belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The substance is used to treat mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. The active ingredient was developed by the English pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline, based in London. What is paroxetine? Paroxetine is a highly effective … Paroxetine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Childhood Emotional Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Childhood emotional disorders are a group of mental illnesses that occur in children and adolescents. The disorders are particularly characterized by anxiety. What are childhood emotional disorders? According to the ICD-10 classification system, all disorders that show an intensification of normal development belong to childhood emotional disorders. In the foreground is the fear of a … Childhood Emotional Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

SSRI discontinuation syndrome, a specific withdrawal syndrome, occurs during discontinuation or a reduction in dose or after stopping the use of antidepressants (SSRIs). SSRI discontinuation syndrome is characterized by the development of specific physical or psychological withdrawal symptoms. Both are also possible. When the antidepressant is taken again in the usual amount, the symptoms subside … SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment