
Introduction Cytostatics are drugs that inhibit the growth and proliferation of cells in the body. These substances can be produced both naturally and synthetically Field of application Cytostatic drugs are mainly used in the field of chemotherapy for cancer. In this context, they are intended to prevent the “degenerated” tumor cells from multiplying and spreading … Cytostatics

Classification | Cytostatics

Classification The cytostatic drugs can be divided into different groups. The group membership depends on the type of efficacy. Some cytostatic drugs inhibit the metabolism of the cells and thus lead to the death of these cells, while other cytostatic drugs lead to the incorporation of errors into the genetic material (the DNA) of the … Classification | Cytostatics

Countermeasures | Cytostatics

Countermeasures Nowadays there are several ways to counteract the various side effects. For example, patients are often given substances that prevent nausea and vomiting before chemotherapy, thus increasing their sense of well-being. Since damage to the oral mucosa often occurs during the course of chemotherapy, it should first be examined by a dentist and possible … Countermeasures | Cytostatics


Definition In medicine, a volvulus is a rotation of a section of the digestive tract around its own axis. The rotation causes the blood vessels supplying the affected section to be pinched, thus reducing or completely interrupting the supply of oxygen. The consequences can range from intestinal obstruction to the death of the affected area … Volvulus

Symptoms | Volvulus

Symptoms Symptoms of an acute volvulus are cramp-like abdominal pain, a bloated abdomen, vomiting (greenish), diarrhea (sometimes bloody), peritonitis and shock. A chronically recurrent volvulus is manifested by a reduced absorption of food components (malabsorption), unspecific abdominal pain and constipation in the child. Diagnosis Diagnosis is mainly based on imaging procedures such as an X-ray … Symptoms | Volvulus

Therapy | Volvulus

Therapy Acute volvulus: The acute volvulus is an emergency, the aim of the therapy is to restore the correct position of the intestinal sections as quickly as possible. If a volvulus is suspected, an operation is prepared and performed immediately, since the time when the intestine is undersupplied is crucial to its prognosis and only … Therapy | Volvulus