Pain during ovulation

Introduction Many women suffer from pain during ovulation. It is estimated that up to 40% are affected. Although the phenomenon is widely known, the cause has not yet been conclusively clarified! The range of possible pain is very wide: it ranges from a ” light pulling” to severe abdominal cramps. Causes of pain Often the … Pain during ovulation

Pain after a puncture

Definition Puncture refers to the targeted pricking to obtain a sample, a so-called “pointate”. In medicine, punctures are used in many places, both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. A puncture can include simple blood sampling, artificial insemination, and the collection of samples of suspicious tissue. Even though puncture with thin needles is often only a … Pain after a puncture

Pain after a puncture of the iliac crest | Pain after a puncture

Pain after a puncture of the iliac crest Puncture of the iliac crest is a more invasive procedure than fine needle puncture. It is performed under sterile conditions and local anesthesia. The iliac crest contains bone marrow, which can be used to diagnose various blood disorders or hormone metabolism. During the puncture, so-called “punches” or … Pain after a puncture of the iliac crest | Pain after a puncture

Diagnosis | Pain after a puncture

Diagnosis Based on the accompanying symptoms and circumstances, different types of pain must be distinguished. A slight pain a few days after the puncture is usually harmless and is due to the puncture needle pricking.In the case of unusual pain with specific accompanying symptoms, examinations may need to be performed to diagnose organ damage or … Diagnosis | Pain after a puncture

Pain after months/years | Pain after hysterectomy

Pain after months/years As a rule, the pain caused by the operation subsides within 6 weeks. The surrounding tissue needs this time to heal.However, women with endometriosis can still experience lower abdominal pain after months or years. This then indicates that there is still a dislocated lining of the uterus in the lower abdomen. This … Pain after months/years | Pain after hysterectomy