
Introduction Ebenol® is an over-the-counter ointment for the treatment of skin conditions from the pharmacy. The drug contains hydrocortisone as the active ingredient in a concentration of either 0.5% or 0.25%. The drug is also available in the form of a spray. Ebenol® can provide relief from insect bites or sunburn, for example. However, the … Ebenol

Active ingredient | Ebenol

Active ingredient Ebenol® contains hydocortisone as the active ingredient. It is a hormone that is also produced naturally by the body (in the cortex of the adrenal glands). The hydrocortisone contained in Ebenol® is produced synthetically and, when applied externally to the skin, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, since it slows down the reaction … Active ingredient | Ebenol

Alternatives | Ebenol

Alternatives In addition to Ebenol®, there are various other creams, ointments and sprays that contain the same active ingredient and can be used as alternatives. Provided they have the same concentration of hydrocortisone, the effect is no different from that of Ebenol®. Other alternatives depend on the symptoms and the cause of the skin appearance. … Alternatives | Ebenol