The development of the child

Synonyms in a broader sense Milestones in development Somatic, motor, sensory, mental and spiritual development The development of the child includes on the one hand the maturation of body and mind of the child in a certain period of time and on the other hand the expansion of abilities which are already present through genetic … The development of the child

Treat Bedwetting Properly

Every sixth child at the age of five wets the bed at night – among 15-year-olds still about 1.5 percent. “Nocturnal bedwetting is usually a great burden for both the child and the parents,” says Dr. Ingo Franke of the Center for Pediatrics at Bonn University Hospital. Fear and shame often affect the self-confidence of … Treat Bedwetting Properly

Febrile convulsion

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: occasional cramp, occasional seizure Definition The febrile seizure is an occasional seizure (cerebral seizure) that lasts only a few minutes and originates in the brain (cerebral seizure). It usually occurs in small children and is triggered by the elevated temperature of the fever. It occurs in connection with febrile … Febrile convulsion

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a disease that affects about twice as many women as men and increases with age. About half of all women and a good quarter of all men suffer from urinary incontinence over the age of 65. The prevalence increases with age and reaches its highest levels towards the end of life. For … Urinary incontinence