
Introduction Nowadays the term “short stature” is used because of the negative connotation of the word “short stature”. This describes that a person is below the 3rd percentile of the growth rate – i.e. less than 97% of all persons in his age group. Children whose parents are also very small do not fall under … Childhood

Adolescence syndrome | Childhood

Adolescence syndrome A “short stature or small stature syndrome” does not exist. There are various syndromes, i.e. combinations of symptoms or phenomena, which comprise a short stature. The best known syndromes are the Ulrich Turner syndrome (see description for further symptoms), trisomy 21, Prader Willi syndrome or Noonan syndrome. All these syndromes include dwarfism as … Adolescence syndrome | Childhood

Duration | Childhood

Duration If a child has a deficiency of growth hormones that causes dwarfism, artificial growth hormones must be administered until the epiphyseal joints of the bones have closed. This means that the therapy is stopped when the longitudinal growth of the body is complete. This is often as early as the age of 16 in … Duration | Childhood

The development of the child

Synonyms in a broader sense Milestones in development Somatic, motor, sensory, mental and spiritual development The development of the child includes on the one hand the maturation of body and mind of the child in a certain period of time and on the other hand the expansion of abilities which are already present through genetic … The development of the child

Early childhood development

Early childhood development includes the development of reflexes, speech, vision and hearing, as well as the socialization and motor skills of the baby. Among the important developmental steps in the first years of life, which are almost imperceptible to parents and babies, is the development of a defence against harmful influences such as pathogens. To … Early childhood development

Development of gross and fine motor skills | Early childhood development

Development of gross and fine motor skills The newborn can already turn its head. However, this movement happens rather uncontrolled. This uncontrolled head rotation gradually becomes a controlled head movement with the 3rd month of life. In an upright position, the baby can even hold the head for a short time by itself and lift … Development of gross and fine motor skills | Early childhood development

Developmental steps during puberty | What happens in puberty?

Developmental steps during puberty During puberty, many physical changes slowly take place. The child’s body grows up to sexual maturity. The physical development of peers in puberty does not always happen simultaneously and can vary greatly in duration. It is controlled by hormones. In girls the female sex hormone estrogen predominates, in boys the male … Developmental steps during puberty | What happens in puberty?

What happens in puberty?

Introduction Puberty covers a formative period in the development from child to adult. It includes a physical, social and psychological development and maturation phase that lasts three to four years. The cornerstones of puberty are, in addition to gender-specific physical changes, above all the development of sexual interest, as well as separation from the family … What happens in puberty?

What is a developmental anomaly?

Definition Children develop individually and at different speeds. A developmental disorder can occur in different areas of child development and can be pronounced to varying degrees. The impairments include speech and language disorders, abnormalities in school areas such as Causes Children can have various developmental abnormalities, which can be harmless or serious. Harmless developmental delays … What is a developmental anomaly?

Intellectual development capacity | What is a developmental anomaly?

Intellectual development capacity Depending on the age of the child, a mental developmental disorder can be more or less clearly recognizable. Symptoms of a mental developmental disorder are reduced mental capacity, problems in understanding what is being said or in speaking itself, and slowed thinking. In addition, there are behavioural disorders at the slightest changes … Intellectual development capacity | What is a developmental anomaly?