Esophageal Cancer Signs

A malignant cell growth in the esophagus is called esophageal cancer. In technical language, esophageal cancer is called esophageal carcinoma. Every year, approximately 11,000 people in Germany are newly diagnosed with esophageal cancer, mostly men and older people are affected. Dangerous cancer The esophagus is a muscular tube that transports ingested food from the mouth … Esophageal Cancer Signs

Treat Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer can be definitively diagnosed only by performing an endoscopy of the esophagus, known as esophagoscopy, and then taking a biopsy of tissue from sites with typical changes. This biopsy is then examined under a microscope. Sometimes a small esophageal cancer can already be removed and thus cured during this examination. If the suspicion … Treat Esophageal Cancer


Synonyms in the broadest sense Radiation therapy, tumour therapy, breast cancer Chemotherapy is the drug treatment of a cancerous disease (tumour disease) that affects the entire body (systemic effect). The drugs used are so-called cytostatics (Greek from cyto= cell and static= stop), which aim to destroy or, if this is no longer possible, to reduce … Chemotherapy

Esophageal cancer diagnosis

Diagnostics Initially, diagnostics aims to achieve two goals: Exclusion or confirmation of a tumor of the esophagus:If an esophageal tumor is suspected, the patient must first be thoroughly questioned (anamnesis), especially about previous illnesses, their alcohol consumption (alcohol addiction) and nicotine consumption (smoking) and family history of certain diseases. Then the patient is thoroughly examined. … Esophageal cancer diagnosis

Additional Diagnostics | Esophageal cancer diagnosis

Additional Diagnostics Sometimes it may be necessary to use additional diagnostic methods. Especially in the case of tumors in the neck area, a thorough ENT medical examination is aimed for. In the case of tumors that are in close contact with the trachea, a lung endoscopy (bronchoscopy) can be helpful in order to assess the … Additional Diagnostics | Esophageal cancer diagnosis


Synonyms in a broader sense Vasectomy Definition Sterilization is a very good method of contraception after the child has been conceived at an advanced age. In Germany, about 7% of women and 2% of men can be sterilized after family planning has been completed. Contraceptive methods at a glance Sterilization in men (vasectomy) can be … Sterilization