Westphal-Piltz Phenomenon: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Westphal-Piltz phenomenon is a lid closure reaction in which the pupils of the eyes contract. It occurs together with Bell’s phenomenon and is used for differential diagnosis in pupillary motor disorders. What is Westphal-Piltz phenomenon? Westphal-Piltz phenomenon is a lid closure reaction in which the pupils of the eyes decrease in size. Westphal-Piltz phenomenon characterizes … Westphal-Piltz Phenomenon: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Abdominal Skin Reflex: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

By the abdominal skin reflex, neurologists mean an extraneous reflex that causes the abdominal muscles to contract when the abdominal skin is brushed. The polysynaptic reflex is wired through the spinal cord, and its absence may indicate pyramidal damage. Multiple sclerosis is a possible cause of such a lesion. What is the abdominal skin reflex? … Abdominal Skin Reflex: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases