Neuroophthalmology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Neuroophthalmology deals with defective vision caused by the so-called strabismus. It is a permanent or recurrent misalignment of the eyes. What is neuroophthalmology? Neuroophthalmology deals with defective vision caused by the so-called strabismus. Ophthalmology distinguishes between two forms of this defective vision: congenital and acquired. When a person squints, his or her eyes do not … Neuroophthalmology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Menieres Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sudden onset of dizziness may be harmless. However, if it occurs repeatedly and is accompanied by other symptoms, Meniere’s disease should be considered. What is Ménière’s disease? Balance disorders occur in Meniere’s disease combined with dizzy spells. Ménière’s disease, also called Meniere’s disease, is a disorder of the inner ear. It is manifested by attacks … Menieres Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tympanic Membrane Injuries: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tympanic membrane injuries (also: tympanic membrane perforation, tympanic membrane rupture) include ruptures (tears) and perforations (holes) in the membrana tympani. Injuries to the tympanic membrane are usually due to inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) or direct or indirect force. What are tympanic membrane injuries? Sharp ear pain is the most typical characteristic of … Tympanic Membrane Injuries: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment