Home Remedies for Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations can have various causes. On the one hand, there are stress, hectic, psychological disorders that have a somatic effect and on the other hand, caffeine and nicotine consumption and the use of stimulant drugs. Treatments for palpitations are varied and range from classical to alternative medicine and simple home remedies. What helps to … Home Remedies for Heart Palpitations

Heavy Legs: Causes, Treatment & Help

Heavy legs is a condition that millions of people know very well, especially in the evening. According to research, only about ten percent of adults have healthy veins. However, very few sufferers consider their discomfort to be a health problem. Yet diseases of the leg veins are usually the cause of heavy legs. What are … Heavy Legs: Causes, Treatment & Help

Muscle Dysmorphia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Individuals with the condition muscle dysmorphia pursue the ideal image of an extremely muscular appearance. They compulsively try to achieve this. According to their disordered view, they will never achieve this goal, this appearance. What is muscle dysmorphia? Generally, muscle dysmorphia (MD), also known as bigorexia (biggerexia), adonis complex or muscle addiction, is considered to … Muscle Dysmorphia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Fukuyama Type Muscular Dystrophy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Fukuyama type muscular dystrophy is a rare, congenital muscle wasting disease that occurs mainly in Japan. The disease is caused by the mutated so-called FCMD gene, which is responsible for coding the protein fukutin. The disease is associated with severe mental and motor developmental abnormalities and shows progressive course, resulting in a mean life expectancy … Fukuyama Type Muscular Dystrophy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Parasomnia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Parasomnias are a group of sleep disorders. Patients sleepwalk, talk in their sleep, or go into shock. Children are more commonly affected by parasomnias than adults. What is parasomnia? Literally translated, parasomnia means “occurring during sleep.” By analogy, physicians refer to parasomnia when a patient suffers from behavioral abnormalities from sleep. Accordingly, parasomnias belong to … Parasomnia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment